
Au 오리지널 통 사진 등 제원

by 한상희 posted Sep 02, 2011


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>              ****사진에 커서를 대고 클릭하시면 크게 보입니다**** 

   <<지난번 어느 분께서 게재하셨다가, 논리에도 안맞는 억지성 반론을 강력히
      받고 삭제된  탄노이社 기술총책 발언에 대해서도 기억을 더듬어 再음미해

      보시면서 오토의 기술적 제원을 유심히 살펴보시면 현재 우리가 추구하는
      소리의 기술적 개념 및 욕구와는 좀 거리가 있다는 결론이 나올 것 같음>>

                (실버는 모노시절인 1954년부터 오토에 장착된 후 短命) 


탄노이 전문가, 모델별 오토 장착시 네트워크 개조 필요성 지적

<<참조 내용>>

Autograph Crossover
The rear horn-loding of this enclosure increases the efficiency of the LF driver section of the dual concentric.
The front horn loading of the drive unit also assists to increase the efficiency of the LF unit.

To obtain increased output from the HF-compression driver (to match the increase output from the LF driver), a modified crossover is required that drives the HF-unit harder.

This is acheived through the use of an auto-transformer, making the HF-unit appear to have a lower impedance than it actaully does,which in turn will mean that more power is delivered to it for a given output voltage from the amplifier.

The use of the standard Monitor Gold crossover in conjunction with the Autograph enclosure will give a subdued treble response.

Likewise, the use of Monitor Red or Monitor Silver in this enclosure will require a special crossover to be built for the HF-unit.The Monitor-HPD crossover could be modified from its original design, as it already has the tapped auto-transformer used in the Monitor Gold crossover

    **** 사진용량 때문에...기타 세부사항은 기회가 되면 알텍란에서 처럼 

          영국/카나다 등 주요 Tannoy Vintage가게들 상세가격 정보와 함께****



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