
Qu 77 (판매종료)

by 정순덕 posted Aug 08, 2007


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
쿼드사의 77 cdp를 판매합니다. 이 77시리즈는 파워.프리. 특이한 인티. cdp모두
606씨리즈보다 나은 음질을 가지고 있습니다만 디자인이 정통쿼드 모델에서 벗어나
있다고 해서 평가절하되는 비운의 씨리즈입니다. 세트로 놓고 보면 예쁜편인디..

1.상태 - A
2.픽업상태 - 필립스 CDM12.4 신품으로 교체해서 장시간 교체없이 사용가능.
3.음질 - 66이나67보다 분명 한 수위의 음질입니다. 음색에 밀도를 느낄 수 있으며
깔끔합니다. 스테이징. 해상도도 고가의 CDP에 뒤지지 않습니다. 개인적으로 필립스
880을 사용하다 이 놈으로 바꿨는데 안정적인 맛이 더 좋게 느껴졌습니다.
4.단점 - 리모컨이 없어요.(그러나 구할 수 있을것 같고 3.5만원입니다)
5.장점 - 크기가 작아 작은 장소에서도 사용이 용이합니다.
6.전기 - 220V 전원분리형
7.가격 - 리모컨이 없어 55만에 판매하고 리모컨이 구해지면 그냥드립니다.
8.연락처 - 011)4410536 서울 도봉. 직거래.택배 모두 가능.

(quad77 cdp)
Launched in early 1996, The Quad 77 CD Player was the successor to the very highly regarded Quad 67CD which had been in production for only 3 years which is quite a short space of time by Quad’s standards.

The Quad 77 CD Player was basically a revision of the Quad 67 and featured the latest transport from Philips, the CDM12 (the Quad 67 CD used a Philips CDM9 transport. Both the Quad 77 and 67 CD players used the same Crystal DAC, the CS4328KP which was a 18-Bit-Delta-Sigma type which was able to produce a very transparent undistorted analogue sound.

The Quad 77 CD Player like other models in the 7 series came in two flavours. There was the standard version which was officially known as the Quad 7712 which could be used in any system and then there was the Quad 7714 which could only be used in a QUADLINK system.

Reviews of the Quad 77 CD Player were very favourable with many journalists pointing to its very open portrayal of music that was able to extract a lot of emotion and air off the CD. Hi-Fi World reviewed the Quad 77 CD Player in November 1995 and wrote that it was a “Competent, entertaining machine with neat styling and remote”.

The Quad 77 CD Player was in production until the advent of the Quad 9 series in 1999 and sold nearly 3500 units and about the only gripe people had at the time with the Quad 77 CD Player was its £850 price tag compared to the slightly cheaper Quad 67CD player.


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