
상태 좋은 뉴에이지 Narada Lotus 4장 lp음반 올려봅니다 1219

by 우경구 posted Dec 19, 2024


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Extra Form
가격 6만원

***뉴에이지 Narada Lotus 4장 lp음반

*1.David Lanz/Cristofori's Dream
Side A
1. Cristofori's Dream
2. Spiral Dance
3. Green Into Gold            
Side B
1. Wings To Altair
2. Sumer's Child
3. Free Fall
4. A Whiter Shade Of Pale

*2.Eric Tingstad/Nancy Rumbel/Legends
Side 1
1. Shenandoah
2. Aladdin
3. Sacajawea
4. The Ark and the Dove            
Side 2
1. Johnny Appleseed
2. Don Juan
3. Galileo
4. The Eyes of Amelia

*3.David Lanz/Nightfall
Side 1
1. Leaves On the Seine
2. Nightall
3. Faces of the Forest            
Side 2
1. Courage Of The Wind
2. Water From The Moon
3. Song For Monet

*4.David Lanz/Michael Jones/Solstice
Piano Solos
Side 1: Michael Jones
1. Good King Wenceslas
2. Carol Of The Bells            
Side 2: David Lanz
1. What Child Is This
2. Improvisation On A Theme
   (Adapted From Pachelbel's Canon In D Major)

***음반상태 아주깨끗함(nm~mint). 
***일괄구매 60,000원(택배비포함)에 드립니다 ^^
***직거래 장소:경기도 부천시 원미구 부일로 191번길 29 우신프라자 3층 304-1
***엘피닷컴 / http://lp4u.co.kr/
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