산수이 G-9000DB 리시버 앰프
Tuning range: FM, MW
Power output: 160 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)
Frequency response: 5Hz to 50kHz
Total harmonic distortion: 0.03%
Damping factor: 60
Input sensitivity: 6mV (mic), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (DIN), 150mV (line)
Signal to noise ratio: 78dB (MM), 95dB (line)
Channel separation: 60dB (MM), 70dB (line)
Output: 150mV (line), 43mV (DIN), 1V (Pre out)
Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 8Ω
Semiconductors: 116 x transistors, 72 x diodes, 13 x FET, 9 x IC, 10 x LED, 1 x photo coupler
Dimensions: 560 x 201 x 495mm
Weight: 26.9kg
Finish: simulated walnut grain
Right Side Panel:
Antenna Inputs: FM 75 ohm, FM 300 ohm, AMclassicaudio.com
Adaptor Out (L, R)
Adapter In (L, R)classicaudio.com
Tape 1 Rec (L, R)
Tape 1 Play (L, R)classicaudio.com
Tape 2 Rec (L, R)
Tape 2 Play (L, R)classicaudio.com
Phono 1 (L, R)
Phono 2 (L, R)
Aux (L, R)classicaudio.com
Tape 2 Rec/Play (DIN)
Rear Panel:
AC Outlet Unswitched (2)
AC Outlet Switchedclassicaudio.com
마란츠 2285B등ᆢ등ᆢ마란츠 캔티알리시버들이 해상력있고 강한소리성향이라면~
산수이G시리즈 나ᆢ이시절ᆢ켄우드리시버들의 소리성향은 매우부드럽고 섬세하다고 느꼈고ᆢFM수신도수준급입니다!~
지금도 30년지기 켄우드리시버 *KR4070* 은ᆢ작은방에서~조용히ᆢFM시청하는 서브기기로 소장하고있습니다 ^^
빈티지한소리재생되는ᆢ리시버ᆢ반갑네요 ^^