LABCONCO FREEZE DRY SYSTEM 77530-01 진공 동결건조기 판매합니다
FreeZone® 18 Liter Freeze-Dryer (Lyophilizer)
18Litter Condenser Ice-Holding Capacity
Vacuum pump included built in
Shell freezer - included and built-in
Purge Valve
Our (Labconco) FreeZone® freeze-dryer is equipped with mechanically refrigerated coil, automatic one-button start-up to initiate condenser cool down and vacuum pull down, LCD that displays vacuum in millibars and condenser temperature in °C, LED “waves” that illuminate green when conditions are right to add samples, alarm light that flashes red when power interruption or other abnormal events occur, and condenser drain hose. A 3/4”-I.D. vacuum hose for connection to the vacuum pump and an 8´ three-wire cord with a 20A plug are also provided. In addition to the features described above, the following options are provided with our unit:
Purge valve- included and built-in our system. Located between the pump and the condenser, the purge valve extends pump life, helps prevent backstreaming of vacuum pump oil and minimizes the chance for contamination of samples if power is interrupted.
Shell freezer - included and built-in our system . Bath has two rollers to rotate flasks up to 1200mL in size in a heat transfer solution. A separate 1/4 hp refrigeration system ensures rapid prefreezing to -40°C without compromising simultaneous lyophilization.
Vacuum pump included and built-in our system. All models require a vacuum pump. Our 18L system include a built in vacuum pump with 150L per minute pumping capacity. This is a 2-stage, gas ballast, blank off pressure 0.2µ.
Drying chamber. Drying chamber allow you to connect glassware containing samples to your lyophilizer. Drying chambers include stoppering tray dryer, drying chamber, heated drying chamber or manifold. If a drying chamber is not included with your FreeZone® model, a drying chamber is required.
Glassware. you need glassware (we may provide some) and adapters to contain your frozen samples.
Shell freezer. This unit include a built-in shell freezer. .
연락처 : 010-5354-6248